Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

Walking with mum

Hi everyone!

I went on a small walk with my Mum today, as it was a lovely evening, as you can see!

School today was good! We had a challenge in our tutor group/form classes to design a tower out of paper and Sellotape. We lost. Badly...

Tomorrow at school, I will be staying behind with Bianka and another good friend of mine, as we are all helping out at an awards ceremony (I got 5 - joint highest of the year group!). We're gonna bring lots of food and watch a movie, as the ceremony doesn't start till 6:30, and school finishes at 3:30.

And finally, My H.E teacher has said that if there's anything anybody in the class wants to make, we can suggest things! So, if anyone has any ideas for something that can be made in 1:30 hours or less, and is relatively cheap to make, let's hear it!

Have a good Thursday!

Steven :)

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