
Unfortunately, I had to have a big tree in my backyard taken down today. It was an Elm tree.

My neighbor (who knows everything about the neighborhood, told me it was planted in 1963...which makes it 51 years old.

Just think. 51 years for it to grow, and about 75 minutes for it to come crashing down.

It was interesting to watch the 4 guys work. Actually, the boss worked for about 30 minutes, then left. He can do that...'cuz he's the boss.

The young guy climbed and cut, the middle guy worked the big saw on the ground, and the older guy ran the tractor, and picked up the brush. Quite an operation.

My yard looks barren, the noise was deafening, and my wallet is CONSIDERABLY lighter...but...life is good...even if there is less shade.

A few more pictures of the job, and some pictures from last nights Detroit Tiger game are on my FLICKER PAGE. Climb on over and have a look.

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