Pacific Beach at sunrise

We were both awake fairly early this morning. So we had a cup of tea looking out at the early morning light over the ocean, beach and shore.

A leisurely breakfast followed, listening to Radio 2 via the iplayer, then it was working out the best way to get our hire car exchanged for one more suitable. In the end, skyping BA (through whom we rented the car) provided the answer and we were able to drive down to Avis and swap without any hassle.

Did a bit more shopping at Ralph's before lunch then set out to walk as far along the beach and back before Chris arrived enroute to pick up his mum from the airport. The clans have nearly all gathered for the wedding. Just one more to arrive.

We had an exhilarating dip in the ocean before going out to dinner at Karl Strauss in La Jolla.

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