Kulig. Take 2.

After a lazy brunch, we layered up and drove into the forest. It was about 20 degrees warmer than when I went a couple of weeks ago but still, the girls were feeling it and took advantage of their matching thermals (bulk bought last week by Shonka, much to the amusement of the cashier who wondered why on earth she was buying 3 pairs in different sizes) to withstand the minus 4 ish temperature. I don't have permission, or funnily enough, the pictures, to post the one of the three of them in just their thermals; that would have been a brilliant blip!

Anyway, despite knowing that I don't speak Polish, the Kulig-man gabbled away to me, ten to the dozen for most of the sleigh-ride. I got bits of it, but had to do a lot of nodding in (hopefully) the right places. He was quite comical, and encouraged us to get out in pursuit of the many elk that we saw - we were all wading through the knee-deep snow (thigh-deep for some ;-)) to take photos and then returned to the sleigh where he then asked us all if we wanted to take control of the reigns. Cue much hilarity as we all took our turns to command the horse to go/turn/stop, under the watchful eye of the video-camera and to the melodious harmony of a sing-song! I guess you had to be there!

Afternoon coffee/tea and cake at the Palace of Culture before going home for the England v Wales match on the box. We multi-tasked by drinking fizz, painting nails and providing a running (totty) commentary throughout before heading out for dinner.

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