
By Fi


Well we didn't see much more of the morning after we all hit the sack at gone 5am...
Breakfast was at 1.30pm and then we hoiked it up to Pawiak Prison before it closed so that they could at least leave with some culture under their hats. The intention of course was to spend yesterday or today at the Uprising Musuem, which needs a good three or four hours to fully appreciate - so that has been put back to the next visit... Worth a visit though, is Pawiak. I took the parents last February when the weather was considerably different to the mild month that we've had this year. The tree (pictured) is a bronze replica of an elm tree that stood outside the prison and became a symbolic memorial, bearing names of just a few of those murdered there.

Linds and I deposited G into the care of Maurice and his brother for some footy action in the shape of Chelsea v Liverpooool and then went to the shops for a mooch, and I bought some contact lenses - which, incidentally you can do here over the counter, without a prescription. My eyesight is horrendously bad, requiring lenses to a mind-boggling strength of -6.5 and -7.0 in my left and right eye respectively. Still, they were on a buy-three-and-get-the-fourth-box-free deal, which I probably wouldn't have bothered with, had both eyes required the same strength. I won't need to go back for a very long time.

Home for supper - Sunday Roast. Fabulous!

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