'Crash- Landed'............!!!!
Yes.....that's what I think we've been ....crash-landed into Autumn.....
Imagine my surprise when when I noticed the splash of orange...
I'd left my Physallis plant behind the still flowering Summer bedding until it would be time to bring it to the front.......
but couldn't believe it when I saw all the 'orange lanterns' yesterday......!!
Aaaaah now this is way too early...............!
Wasn't feeling the best today.....I think the 'truck-load' of medication is getting to me....the rash is sub-siding a little......urticaria is so difficult to shift...and little bit of heat seems to aggravate it.....dreadfully itchy....
so, tonight I decided to go the "Old Fashioned" route and made a paste of Bread Soda and water and covered every red and itchy spot with it!!!!
And do you know....it WORKED.......we no longer have a bath....so I left it on until it was well dried in and then had a shower and then rubbed in the Betnovate cream....
result ..relief at last....
Sometimes despite all our fancy 'lotion & potions'....the old ways are the best!!
Does anyone remember the "bread soda baths & calamine lotion for Chickenpox'??
Spoke to my Mam tonight on the phone....she's much more settled this year...
and boy, am I enjoying the time to myself......it's such a NOVELTY!!!
Thank you all for your very kind comments and support....it's really very helpful.. my apologies for not keeping up with commenting on you all.......!!
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