Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Sleepy head

Kerr had his 3rd lot of immunisations this afternoon at 1.30pm. We got home and I put him down for a sleep at 1.45pm, and he has been sleeping ever since - it's now 4.30pm! He has missed a feed and doesn't seem in any rush to wake up for it.

I'm now beginning to wonder if I should wake him, or let him sleep it off. I could be in for a long wakeful night if I leave him much longer.

Apart from sleeping all afternoon, we went to Kindermusik this morning and had a good sing song and even some ceilidh dancing - felt like I was back at school doing social dancing classes!

I should have taken the oppurtunity this afternoon to catch up on housework - but no, instead I have managed to watch a whole episode of The Good Wife, have a quick snooze myself and potter around on the internet - this is the life!

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