Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack



Just three letters but a powerful question, to which sometimes the answers can be found, but sometimes the answer will never be known.

For example why as a happily married man, with a beautiful family, with a joke or a smile for any occasion would you take your own life? The question can be asked numerous times but I don’t think the answer will ever be known. What makes it harder is knowing that the person you knew, the person who when you first met it felt like you’d been friends for years, was a person who always had a smile on his face, but obviously had his own difficulties which we never knew about. You ask yourself what more could you have done, could you have seen the signs. Having been there, sometimes the people you love more than anything are the last people you want to speak to.

Supposedly if you ask why five times, you’ll eventually come to the conclusion. It may work in business but throw human emotions in the mix and it can be difficult.

I’ve asked the question why myself the past two days, and I still don’t know the answer to my own problems.

Rest in Peace Mark. You were taken from us too soon my friend.

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