wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Finally picked one

It took me a while because it appeared that there were some strange things on the flowers. That would be a dirty screen on the iPad.
It was strange at work today. A couple of us referred to it as: thanks for being an a-hole jerk day.
I saw 2 examples of bad customer service. Not in my department but other departments. Monday is a holiday so Tuesday I think I need to discuss these with someone. I hate that hate it. It's not hard to be nice. I think it's harder to be nasty.....

Well, unless someone steals your candy bar. Then my horns come out and my nails grow ..............

A number of years ago a coworker saw two Hershey's kisses on my desk. Someone gave me two of the cherry ones ( I love cherries). He
in a moment of sheer stupidity opted to take his life in his hands and steal take one.
I went back to my desk only saw one and asked what the heck happened. He said oh you had two. I just thought I could have one.

I looked at him and almost hysterically asked politely.....what the heck ( oh yeah I used that word in my hysteria) planet do you live on?
I think of it now and I am still kind of surprised that he would be that stupid. What a sense of entitlement. He never did that again.
Well he still is walking with a deep voice so I am thinking he hasn't done that again.

It's funny the things that can set us off. I am a generous person and will give you the shirt off of my back . Ok that usually requires dinner and a third date but I digress. but please ask. Don't assume and for Gods sake leave my Hershey's cherry kisses alone. Unless you ask.! Then I will gladly share.

I was kidding about the date thing. Seriously it was four .

Goodnight to the north and a pleasant good morning to down under! ( should I be capitalizing that?)

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