wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Sundays reflections on Saturday night....

A full day filled with laughing, eating, really hysterically stupid assumptions ( that I will never hear the end of), bad hair and great music.

Our gig at the Cumberland FarmersMarket went well yesterday. It was the first time we had been together for about two weeks. What occurred to me, is that we really enjoy each other's company......and we laugh.....a lot. We had a blast. The random harmonica guy didn't even bother me.
(He likes to "harmonica bomb" our songs. ......as in....Oh no you don't have to play the same song just wail away on anything. Seriously no ....no.....just push me out of the way, take my mic please I love that)
Oh sarcasm how you enhance my life.

For a quick lunch we stopped at a new place.. Ebeneizers pub
.....and spell check just coughed and died on that one.

Food was excellent. I am not an hoppy beer kind of girl and I didn't really read the list because the waiter picked one for me. It was delicious but at 10% a bit more than I bargained for! Yes I am a lightweight....
One of the special deserts was a brownie a la mode. The waiter described it as made with "Mary Jane". That was one they all wanted to split. I was a bit hesitant....
So I being the progressive woman that I am said
" from what I remember of pot brownies, this wouldn't be a good idea for me. "

Dead silence. Eight eyes looked at me with complete surprise. Ingrid busted out laughing, Shelley was hysterical.! Julie didn't get it and the waiter said ......"what?"
I was handed the beer menu where there was a listed beer named Mary Jane. (Which is also a term used for marijuana). Well, that made better sense.
You see in Portland, pot is legal (small amounts) and I think you can buy these products at a few places in Portland . I am so glad I could provide a moment of hilarity for my bandmates. Julie had never heard the term. I thought that was funnier.
After that exhausting time, we headed to Boothbay Harbor to see the Wailing Jenny's in concert. They were great and ....yup you guessed it....they left with two Pretty Girls Sing Soprano CDs in hand for their listening pleasure!

As always, an adventure with the Pretty Girls! I am now getting ready for an afternoon with my sister. Boat, Casco bay, Labor Day weekend, and laughs. Yup this is a good life and I am blessed.
So good afternoon to my friends in the north and I hope you are all sleeping well to my friends down under!

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