at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

pottering about

Ivy properly cracked walking today. She's been tkaing steps for weeks, but today she's controlled walking about from room to room and even round corners. I'm still not used to it.

Poor Ivy got denied 3 feeds in a row last night this morning since I had a terrible headache so Euan gave her expressed milk from the freezer. When I crawled downstairs at 11am she threw herself across Euan to get to me and signed for milk frantically.

Went to the village hall in the afternoon to see how we'd done. Entered 7 categories, came away with 4 certificates. My basket of mixed veg (tomatoes, courgette, chilli, pepper, aubergine) and my tomatoes got 'highly commended' and my peas and chillis got 'comended'. I wish they'd give 1st, 2nd and 3rd but there we go. Flower arrangement, chuteney and courgettes got nothing. I suspect my flower arrangement got itself disqualified for containing herbs, but I liked how they looked.

We had a 'produce omlette' for dinner with grilled Aubergines on the side. Ivy 's face went all blotchy and her lips swelled up. So we phoned the out of hours doctor to see about some anti-hystimens and gave her a tub of water to play with to cheer her up whilst getting her clean. Took her out to see the doctor who said she was a good patient as she lifted her arms to let him listen to her chest and babbled at him (and nearly swallowed the spoon in her enthusiasm to take her medicine). We think she's allergic to aubergines (altough it could be something on the griddle pan). Lucky thing, wish i'd been alergic to aubgerines as a kid...

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