at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

The ultimate party entertainment

Poor Euan had a hard day, I decided we should have friends over for a roast dinner so he got dragged into cleaning and cooking. Dinner was utterly delicious though, and I had absoloutly nothing to do it, didn't even carry the shopping home from tesco. In fact, I hindered our trip to tesco by suggesting Ivy should walk there- she did make it to the tesco carpark before deciding to stop and play with some gravel and she didn't quite make into Tesco because she got distracted by some dogs and went to go try and talk to them 'ooooff oooofff'

Weather was really good for a bit, so we sat in the garden drinking Pimms whilst Ivy walked about and played with some flowerpots filled with dirty rain water.

When it got cold, we went into the house and Ivy did some party entertainment, altough Laura very much entertained herself by making the lamaze whale 'vomit' up pieces of fabric, even Ivy thought she'd gone a bit mad.

Tim and Laura, with Tim's brother and their dog, joined us for dinner. Ivy was very enterained by having an ''ooofff ooooff' under the table whilst she ate. Tim's brother had been given the task of bringing Icecream, so for 8 people (we were actually 6 in the end) he brought 5 big tubs AND chocolate sauce. Had to get the pasta bowls out...

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