Well as most of you know, our gig today was cancelled due to the weather and we are due to perform tomorrow, weather permitting!

I dont mind so long as we get to use the songs we have created otherwise it has been a complete waste of time.

So we didn't know what to do today but it soon became clear. Mr A went up to the study to complete a VAT return so I returned to my stain glass project and started copper foiling.

After that went with Phoebes to collect some blackberries. It was odd today, being the anniversary of moving to Somerset 12 years ago. Doesn't seem possible that we have been here for that length of time!!

This game of cricket was being played as we went on our walk. It also includes the straw bale that 'spooked' Phoebe yesterday. It must be fantastic to play cricket on this pitch, surrounded by incredible views.

Strange day really, we had looked forward to entertaining today, so just hoping to use the songs tomorrow.

Thankyou my faithfull friends, it makes my life a little more bearable that you bother to check up on my blipping.

Hoping your Saturday has been better than mine and sending hugs to you all~~~~ xx

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