
By Angelique


We went to the Lost Gardens of Heligan today and I would think they are lost because it took us ages to find them!!

Redflash paid for us all to go in and Phoebe was included.  It is so huge we didn't manage to see it all and will have to go back next year when the Rhododendrons and Azaleas are in flower. They are huge and so are the Hydrangeas with every kind of species. There are several large ponds, this one having fish.  Another one with a long rope ladder over it which we used.  Some stupid joker thought it was clever to make it bounce up and down so I was glad when I crossed to the other side.

It was an exhausting day and now cooking the Roast Beef dinner with all the trimmings.

The extra photo is of the little piglets, tails touching while Mum had a rest.

Thankyou for the kind comments on yesterdays sunset and the colours were amazing.  If I painted a picture with all the bright colours people would complain but it's best not to argue with God!!  Hugs to you all. xxx  

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