Away we go....

Well, the day arrived, following the awaited & delayed arrival of Ferguson's passport.
Caroline & Tony dropped us off & it was so cute to see Ferguson taking lead with our (very small!) suitcase.
Our EasyJet flight bound for "London" delivered the boy with his first taste of air travel & he was most excited by the take-off (my favourite bit too!)
The flight was enjoyable & pleasant and arriving during the day made me feel less anxious & vulnerable than I would have in the evening.
This sense of security was very soon snatched away by the most horrible taxi driver I've encountered.
The English-Portuguese language barrier wasn't so much an issue when he charged me double the price that the taxi from the airport had cost Alex 7 days earlier.
€90 down, within 15-20 minutes of my arrival I realised I'd left my phone with him so after lots of panic & stress, he managed to bag himself another €75 to return it.
Alex & I exchanged words- which caused me added upset... Not the greatest start to the holiday break.
A pleasant meal al fresco later in the evening lessened the blow.

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