Love Sundays.
Time to do everything I need to do.
Mr W left early for work this morning so was able to catch up on a bit of sleep I missed out on last night. I was snoring again. Mr W tapped me gently to stop me but couldn't settle again properly as I didn't want to snore again! Then there was an almighty crash about 4 am this morning. Lay in bed trying to work out what it was, too scared to get up and investigate! It was actually the downstairs toilet mirror. It had fallen off the wall but luckily still intact. The frame is a little damaged and the wire has snapped. I can fix that!
Then spent a bit of time doing my nails, dehairing various places, scrubbing bathrooms, writing reports, scouring the Internet for oversized swimming costumes with Hearts on, eating porridge, drinking coffee, quick visit from friend who needed payment for a ball in September and borrowed some nail varnish.
Still to do.
3 more reports, dust and hoover top to bottom (the house, not me - I'm clean now!), pop to DIY store for some paint to paint a bargain shelf for Emily, cook a roast and maybe go swimming. Maybe!
Nice relaxing Sunday then!
xXx ♡ xXx
I've recently discovered Radio 1 again. Used to listen to it as a little girl with Mike Reid, Dave Lee Travis and Garry someone. Been loving their music over the last few days but 'Let it Go' from Frozen is playing right now!!!!! Erm.......
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