
By BananaInPyjamas

Certificate writing

Went to Trago Mills today! I have been there so many times its unreal! :)
I went down the big death slide in Trago, with the girls and Jo. I was determined to go down it, since I had never gone down the big slide as a girl! :)
Anna had brought some cards and presents for the girls! And then brought me a cornish pasty for lunch as my birthday present! Hannah, Grace and I went to Co-op afterwards, although I didn't buy anything! :)

For our last bible study, we went on the lawn. We talked a little bit and then mucked around! We took a lot of photos, rolled down the hill etc! Anna and I had written cards for them (well Anna wrote them because her handwriting is much better than mine, and I signed my name!) and had got a sponge for each of them and written Fun Sponge on it (since I called Anna a fun sponge (because she was 'soaking up all the fun'!!) once in the study and they all found it hilarious) and gave one to each! :)

In the evening, we had a talent show! It was very funny and there were lots of acts! :)
I was in four acts and helped in a fifth one! The leaders did 3 acts:
1. Extreme version of how girls at GHP try to get the Boys (from boys camp) attention.
2. Us pretending to be the girls in bed (repeating some of the conversations they said at night! Their reactions were hilarious when they found out we had been listening behind their door!) :D
3. Let it go, Sing-along!
It was all very funny! :)

After ogre duty, we wrote certificates (at around 11pm!) for all the girls (like 'stole the most sugar sachets' or 'most giggley at night' etc!)! Then we all did a certificate of another leader, Hannah did one for me! It was 'Had the most joy rolling down the hill' (true stuff!)! :) Also had some pizza and garlic bread! Yummy!

After that hannah and I rolled down the hill in our sleeping bags a few times!!!! SO much fun (though I found a few small slugs on my sleeping bag afterwards!)! :)

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