
By BananaInPyjamas

had some very funny, if slightly annoying conversations in the small hours of the morning! We also received a muffin from Will and had a little 'adventure'! :D
I decided to sleep in Anna and Hannah's caravan (Grace was already asleep!)! I did not a lot sleep! :)

It was prize giving after breakfast! The best girl went to Annabel!
Us leaders gave out the certificates! Then the 13's gave out gifts to all the leaders! I got a toy hamster (I eat very slowly,so all the girls started to call me 'hamster'!) and a fun sponge! It was very funny! :)

The minibus journey was good, considering we didn't break down. Since the Reading minibus was constantly breaking down during the whole week, so it was a miracle it didn't break down while getting home!

Arrived home. Had a lovely relaxing bath while reading a very good book called 'Jesus: The seven wonders of history'!

Sleep! :)

The photo is of Sarah wearing Sam's hat from Boys Camp! :)

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