Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

We are all different
and that's beautiful.

Karen Salmansohn

This is what I did today, after some 'must do's' done on my 'to do list' for this week. It's a bit extra important to vote this time, it feels like, because of one of the parties in the Swedish government. A party that's against what I believe in, a society with cultural diversity… I just feel sick about what they stand for.
After voting I started reorganizing a bit in my small apartment, making a bigger mess then before… :D Continuing tomorrow, hopefully I'll get some more done. :)

For a couple of minutes ago I heard crunching behind one of my curtains… Sounded like something was eating something… and that something doing the eating was something a bit bigger then I would feel comfortable with… But when I peaked behind the curtain and moving some of the flower pots (brave of me, right?? :D ) I realized that it was just some dried flowers moving agains each other in the wind… Or, the 'something' hid away…

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