Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Staycation: Day 1.

When Summer began and we knew Richard would have to work every week until September, I begged him to keep the first week of September free so we could try to spend some time together before school starts again. We can't go away - for loads of reasons, so we're having a holiday (of sorts) at home... minus Gemma who sadly is rarely here anymore, and from Wednesday minus Joel - because he starts his IT course at college.
But Tess still has a week of holiday left, so we're going to try to do something every day this week. (Unfortunately Richard hasn't managed to get Saturday off though. Drat.)

Today's plan to go a for a bike ride has already gone tits up because Richard cut his finger open yesterday and can't grab the handlebars of a bicycle, so today we swapped the bike ride for a walk and some kite-flying.

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