Oh My Days!

By lovelupins17

Morning View :)

This was a very small part of the view from our balcony at 7am this morning - with the rising sun just catching the tops of the mountains. There was frost on the roofs of the chalets around us but although fresh it didn't seem cold somehow, the weather is so contrasting there.
Anyway - we set off to the airport, ten mins into the journey, Mum, I just need to check I've packed my wallet! I know he's 28 but I really should have prompted him to check before we left - what are we like!!!! Thankfully all was well and a wonderful trip back.
Back in London now - home to Bingley tomorrow. Feel like I've lived a dream - what a gift from Joe bless him, days I will always remember.
Thank you so very much for all your lovely comments and favs - I'll be back on full blip form shortly - I'm having withdrawal symptoms!! :) xXx

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