Life In Wales

By KarenC

The man in the moon

It's late and I nearly didn't blip, but then I noticed the man in the moon shining down at me. Summer's come back today and after a misty, grey start it's been glorious! Unfortunately it's a working day, but I cycled to work, and my ride home by the beach was a great way to wind down.

It was late by the time we took the boys at for a walk and it was starting to go dark even though it was only about 8pm, the nights are really drawing in! I'm really pleased with how clear this has come out, as I was stood in the garden and the camera wasn't on a tripod.

When we got back I had a viber message from my friend Christina who lives in Barcelona, so I called her using viber as it's free and we had a lovely chat. We met when we both lived in Belgium, but she moved back to Spain last year, as we moved here. I've still not been out to visit but it's a definite must do in the new year.

Anyway, it's time for bed, so apologies once again for not getting chance to comment, there aren't enough hours in the day!

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