
Bobbie's getting back to his normal self today and has been out for a walk with us tonight - he was full of energy, but we didn't go too far as we don't want him to overdo it.

His bandage came off tonight thanks to Milou who pulled it off! Anyway his scar is very neat and clean so I don't think there are any problems, but when we're in the house we're keeping his 'pants' on just to stop him from biting at it.

I'm being very wary now taking the boys out in the garden at night as I got the fright of my life last night - I took Milou out at about 9pm, and a fox suddenly appeared! I don't know who jumped more, me or the fox but it ran like lightening and escaped through the hedge. Milou wasn't on his lead so naturally ran after it, but I shouted and luckily he didn't follow it through the hedge.

I took him out earlier on the long lead and made a lot of noise as we went outside in the hope it would scare anything off. I didn't hear anything, but Milou kept looking into the far corner where it came from.

I went to the gym for my induction at lunch time, so I'm free to go whenever I want now and today is the first day of my 'Fit for 50' regime. I have a big birthday coming up early next year and am determined to shed the excess weight I've gained over the last year or two

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