
By MummaHen

Monster Jump

I believe that Cardrona Ski area has had 19 consecutive "bluebird" days. Lovely today the light frost kept the snow good tho by mid afternoon sunny parts had become soft and too thick for good skiing. Some like it. Whats more there was almost no one there so we had no queues and wide empty slopes. Yippee.

Took this on R's cell phone, and have marked in a bluish line where they are making a monster jump for a competition in two weeks. Competitors come in from the ridge line, and end near the bull dozer at the base. Such a lot of work building it.

Other news is the area behind the ski area has been given to the NZ Public Conservation Area ( or what ever its called) and they are testing cat track skiing in the large basins behind. Previously the farmer owner did not want skiers there. We were imagining where new chair lifts may go.

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