MOOC! MOOC! Time for ModPo!

On Saturday, I start my first MOOC of this academic year, with Penn University; Contemporary Modern American Poetry , or ModPo to us cool dudes!

I've watched the 20 minute introduction and am thoroughly intimidated. Here I sit with my aged degree in Eng. Lit. and I haven't heard of the vast majority of the poets whose names were casually dropped...... Jackson Mac Low, Retallack, Armantrout, Creeley, Ashberry. Thank goodness for Wm Carlos Williams, Allen Ginsberg and old Walt!

And first up is Emily Dickinson, most of whose work is completely new to me, but is apparently the key to modernism, dontcha know?

Thus I mixed coffee at COAST (note... no scone; diet day 3, fast day tomorrow, aaargh) with the extended reading of poetry. Get me,eh!

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