Final scene

Today's the day ...................... for a bit of culture

Went to a brilliant performance of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing tonight.

It was staged outdoors (always a brave thing to do in Cumbria) on the croquet lawn at Blackwell - the Arts & Crafts House overlooking Lake Windermere. The performance started at 7.00pm and you had to bring your own chair. You could also come early and bring your own picnic if you wanted - and that's what we did.

It was part of London's Globe Theatre on tour and we were lucky to be able to see it up in this part of the world. Considering that it was written in 1598, it was still very funny. The actors were very, very good and they brought the play brilliantly to life. As always, there were many twists and turns - and misunderstandings - but they all lived happily ever after ....................

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