Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Street Sunset

Good evening, everyone! I hope that you have all had a wonderful day!

I am still fighting off the flu. I'm not sure but it might have progressed to a sinus infection. Ugh! I have some energy for a short time, then I am exhausted and have to go lay down. Even though I have tons of work to do, I know that if I don't rest it will take even longer to get well again. So, I am forcing myself to rest more. I do not often get sick, and am generally the person who takes care of everyone else when they are sick. Being the "doer" that I am, resting is difficult for me.

I wanted to take a long walk today especially in the hills nearby. But I just didn't have the energy. So, much to my dismay, I am limited in uploading a photo of the sunset's afterglow on the clouds. I really hope to geet back out there tomorrow, but for now this will have to do.

Thank you all for your wonderful comments and get well wishes. I do appreciate it!

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