Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Snip shot

Today's blip is of Kerr doing one of his current favourite things - playing with mummy's hair. He usually grabs hold of it and pulls very hard. I wonder if he is going to be a barber when he grows up... He has now also started doing the same thing to poor Fudge who just sits and lets him do it - I think Fudge is glad of any attention he can get these days!

My work friend came to ours for lunch today with her wee boy who is 3. It was good to have a catch up and find out all the gossip - I'm not missing work in the slightest, but I do miss hearing everyone's news.

I received an email back from Yo! Sushi re the caterpillar incident a fews days back - they have offered me a 50% discount on our next visit and have assured me that it is very rare to find caterpillars in their Edamame Salad!

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