at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

lessons in ladylike behaviour

So now Ivy walks more than crawls she can wear skirts like a proper little lady, and she can play peek-a-boo with her skirt like a proper little Ivy :)

(also in this picture, check out my reupholstered pajong chair. I'm very pleased with it)

Another hard night. I'm utterly exhausted, altough today was easier than yesterday because today we're not out of coffee... I was woken up at 7.30am by Ivy gleefully posting my phone down behind our bed and biting kissing my face. I think she'd been amusing herself in bed for a bit having climbing over me out of her sidecar crib. I took her down to Euan and went back to bed, normally she gets handed back to me at 8ish so he can shower but I was too knackered to take her, so he put her in her cot to play and she seems to have gone back to sleep for a bit. Good to know that's an option.

When I came downstairs with her I found the corpse of a half chewed (in the skin) bannana in the hall and the remains of a decapitated bunch hanging from the vegetable drawers. She seems to have helped herself and torn it from it's skin without Euan noticing. When she and I went upstairs, she insisted on shutting her stairgate behind her, which was hilarious.

Think I may have worked out whats been up with her the past few days, she seems to be very constipated which might explain the not eating and not sleeping. Went and bought her some prune juice.

She spent most of the afternoon insisting on being held, so I put her in a carrier on my back and steamed the floor and hoovered which I can't normally do with her about, so I guess that was useful.

She ate no dinner at all tonight or pudding. In desperation I gave her a squeezy packet of baby food, but even that she only took a few mouthfulls of. Hope the prune juice works soon.

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