
I'm lucky I took some photos this morning.

I had an appointment in Nelson this morning. I was driving my campervan as I'd just picked it up in Nelson yesterday, and I was more than half an hour early but planned to sit in the van and read my book until time to go in. However, when I got there I found it was on a very narrow hill road that I couldn't park the van on. So I drove back to the bottom to park it and then walked up the hill.

I was still 15 minutes early so I loitered in their garden taking a few photos before going in.

I wasn't too concerned about getting anything special as my intention for today was to go to that appointment, then to my hairdresser's appointment, after which I would head home, pack the van and head away for a couple of days. So I figured today's blip would be a landscape on some part of the trip - probably from St James Tarn as usual.

On my drive home I got a number of texts, but seeing I was driving I figured they'd wait until I got home. I stopped at the Red Barn as I saw a friend's car there and it seemed like a coffee was a good idea.

When I checked my phone the missed calls and texts were letting me know that there was an article in the Christchurch online paper about Blaze's death. I had received the Coroner's final report earlier in the week, but it didn't cross my mind that the paper would have been sent the findings too.

Receiving the report was hard and for some reason that and reading the article in the paper has completely messed me up. I can't face the trip to Christchurch, it wouldn't be safe for me to be driving right now. So it's just as well I got some photos in the bag earlier.

This article doesn't say anything new that we didn't already know, but they've included a photo of Blaze - one I used on his funeral service bookmark. The original photo was taken one morning at breakfast at Drexels Restaurant, Sebastian was sitting on his knee in the original photo, but they've cropped S out of it - well most of him, you can still see the top of his head :-)

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