Going to Seed .......

.......... a bit like me really!!!

Another grey, damp morning with doomy (dull + gloomy = doomy) skies - quite mild though.

Bit of a wander through the jungle garden - lots of spiders about and even more webs - I have to be careful as I absolutely HATE getting webs on me - always terrified that the spider will come with it.

Took lots of photos of them but none of them I really wanted to post (and I did a web yesterday) so you get this past-its-best flower head. (I am digging deep into my memory to try and remember what it is - I used to know - just more proof that I am going to seed!!)
UPDATE: Thanks to jensphotos - it's a Viburnum!!!

MUCH nicer large ....

The ''Band of Blippers Bash 2015'' (aka BoBB 2015) plans are well under way ..... 14 confirmed blippers (some with spouses/partners) and one (from New Zealand) still making plans to come.
Hotels mostly booked, some flights booked, excitement bubbling.

After Gainesville, Florida, in March this year, the democratic vote was for Savannah, Georgia next year - mid-April. If you would be interested in joining us please let me know and I will send you details. If you subscribe to Sefferdog's journal you will have already have seen mentions of it there too.
It's nothing fancy - no wildly expensive hotels - just a long-weekend gathering of great people with a common love of photography and blip.

Have a Funky Friday ..... and a Wild Weekend!!!

Thought for the day:

" Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional "

~ Anni ~

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