From Crummy, to Findhorn , to Carrbridge and cod.

First to the puffin pool and then off to Brodie Castle for a fascinating talk by Andrew Crummy designer of the Great Scottish Tapestry. It was interesting to hear the story behind it all and the other two Tapestries he has designed. With some very funny tales. There was some secret stitching going on that he is only just hearing about, like the lady who stitched her grandchildrens initials under her piece of work.
We had soup and oat cakes after in the pretty tearoom and after a morning of rain the sky started to clear. We were going to go back to Nairn to look at the arts on display throughout the town but were put off by the road works and the chance of more rain so we headed off to Findhorn. The boats looked stunning reflected in the water and we sat outside the Findhorn Yacht club piers café and drank tea watching a fisherman catch at least three fish. Three swans flew off in the distance.
We walked along the sand dunes and it turned out really warm. On the way back to the car I spotted three Roe deer in the carpark really close to the houses.

We drove back across the mountains , with fantastic open views across the heather, to Carrbridge where we had fish and chips.

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