Flowers from the garden

I spent some of the day cutting down the buddleia that really shot up during the Summer, way above my head. It has stopped flowering and looked horrible so I've cut it right back, well what I could reach anyway.
A robin kept me company singing on top of the hedge and a few bluetits were surprised to see me.

I wandered round the garden and collected a few flowers. A few wee beasties made it indoors including an earwig ( Forky tail ) and a snail. Yuk. The jug is from Cromarty Pottery. We have quite a few pieces especially from the seconds basket.

The dolphins have been seen in greater numbers over the last few days. I've
seen a few through the telescope and also saw some porpoise too.

Sorry abit behind on comments and have nt replied either but thank you very much for dropping by, I do appreciate it :)

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