
A long day but not as a result of work for a change. Up at 3.30 to make sure we caught the 6am flight to Brussels, then Munich then finally Poznań. Late afternoon by the time we were able to get out and about on a beautiful evening. Brussels had been grey; Munich mistrust and muggy; but in Poznań the sun was in a clear blue sky.

From wondering what my blip might be - the new A380 Emirates plane which towered over all the others?; the professional photo shoot in the modern fountain outside our hotel?; the stunning old market square in the evening light or floodlit? The fire jugglers? The youthful crowds hanging around the fountains?

Spoilt for choice. In the end this one won out. I like the light, the expression on the face, the composition.

The statue is of St. John Nepomucene. Not one I'd really heard of but well respected in Bohemia. He was thrown off the King Charles bridge in Prague by King Wenceslas IV who was increasingly irritated by John's refusal to reveal what the Empress ( Wenceslas was also Emperor of Germany as well as King of Bohemia). When John hit the water 5 stars appeared above the water reinforcing the belief in his sainthood.

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