
Headed south again today, back to Monterey for the Aquarium. And what a great day it was. Well worth the $40 admission. So many spectacular things to see, not just fish but all the other animals associated with the oceans, seas, shores including birds and otters.

The exhibition was extremely well done, with a real effort to engage children with some highly interactive fun things for them to do. And all the interactive gadgets worked too. No signs saying "out of order" anywhere.

Very knowledgable guides and volunteers to help out too - you could dip into a kelp field and tickle a ray amongst other activities. Good too, to look out onto Monterey Bay where there were whales and harbour seals to be seen.

Challenging photography, but as usual the iPhone came up trumps with this shot of jellyfish. These creatures are hypnotic, holding your attention for hours and so mysterious. We know so little about them.

One section that was particularly interesting was about the "Pacific Gyre" or that great mass of circulating rubbish that cycles around the Pacific Ocean. The exhibits were focussing on the impact of our throwaway society on our oceans. Many artists used the damaging impact of out rubbish to inspire their work but at the same time try and make a difference to the environment.

We could have stayed there longer but we had a 2 1/2 hour drive to San Francisco where we are staying for the next 4 nights. Got to the hotel with little difficulty and enjoyed a meal at the Happy Happy Cafe and Crepes before retiring back to the room, which is smaller than those of the last few days but good enough. So now starts the 3rd segment of our trip.

Almost fulfilled a geographers dream. I've taught about tectonic plates for all my professional career and here we are almost astride the San Andreas Fault, the granddaddy of them all. We crossed the Fault on Highway 101 just after its junction with the 156. Not marked and nowhere to stop. But the hunt is on. I'd like stand on the great San Andreas Fault.

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