Bridal bird

The bride has passed by,
Through the decorated arch -
Distant laughter sounds.
A virginal bird remains,
In tangled, wilting, ivy.

Had to go into Brighton today for a meeting .... the meeting went on and on and on .... eventually I was released and nipped over for a cup of tea with SarahK, who very kindly gave me some toast as I had missed lunch!

It was lovely to chat and we were also treated to a performance from her daughter Klara who had just finished a song writing session and showed us the new song. She has a such a beautiful voice. It was mesmerising.

Feeling human again I headed off home and took Sadie out for a walk, there had been a wedding at the church and the reception was in full flow at the hotel nearby. The gate to the church has an arch and a lamp over it and this had been twined with ivy and decorated with little birds made of white feathers and miniature tea cups (?). How could I resist a bridal thing on a fence to add to my Things on Fences collection?

Its been a very busy week and blipping has had to take a back seat .... I will aim to catch up on your journals over the weekend .....

Some back blip added today:
Late Summer Barbecue

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