All change

The daughter of the local primary school headmistress got married at our Church this afternoon and of course we rang after the service. It was a nice service and her dress was lovely, I am not a fan of the current fashion of strapless, most brides look uncomfortable it them.

We were supposed to be going to Newbury tonight to have a meal with Matthews work colleagues and stop overnight at a hotel before he and his colleagues headed off to the Ringing World Roadshow to man the Smith of Derby stand on Saturday. I was going to meet up with a friend who lives in Newbury. Sadly she had a heavy cold and on the advice of the Macmillan Nurse I have decided not to go, if I catch the cold Wednesdays treatment will be delay for up to 2 weeks and I am desperate to get this last treatment out of the way but am also sad not to be able to meet up with my friend :(

So I'm billy no mates tonight and tomorrow!

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