Tarawera Times

By Megl

The Beadmaker

Sorry about all the children photos....but not much time to get creative when there are little people to entertain!
Ella found some beads, poppa found some nylon fishing line and she sat in the sun after breakfast and made a present for her mum.
The older brother hasn't had such a good day, he was having a turn on their iPad, but instead of playing with a game, he decided it would be fun to add a password to it....and then promptly forgot it!!!
The iPad has a diary of events, times and places that we need to get the children to!
Did a bit of a Google about what to do, and it seems that the only option will be to reset it with its factory settings as the mac iBook that it was setup with is overseas with his parents....quite a dilemma.
So what did Nana do....she sent a message to the son in Switzerland...HELP!

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