
By grounded


Took this blip on the way home today. It is a memorial to Fighter Command which sits at the edge of the old RAF Croydon. I have driven past it several times and finally stopped to take a blip of it.

A very early start this morning after a night full of nightmares!!! Too much cheese on the pizza last night I think. Then a drive up to Spurgeon's for part 2 of the module on Leading Worship. We finished with a practical session on public prayer. I was in a team of two who put together a prayer with actions!!! It worked really well on the class, so I might save it for a kid's slot sometime!

Phoned A'desk to ask were my mini eggs are for winning his competition. He tells me the prize doesn't include postage and packing. Booooo!

A day off the gym which was needed as I am ready for bed already.

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