Honey, lets bury the kids.

J went out on the Harley this morning, but came back early, as the guys were going to a motor cycle dealer and he didn't want to go. I was suprised to see him back so soon. He changed out of his gear and we went for a drive. We decided to go to Ogmore-by-sea and went for a walk along the beach. It was really warm in the sunshine and i saw this couple "burying their two kids in the sand. There was lots of laughter and sqealing coming from them, so i presume they were enjoying themselves. Back home now and looking forward to a roast chicken dinner with cherry pie for dessert. As i was writing this ,there was a lot of swearing coming from the kitchen. J has spilt chicken fat all down his clean black jeans. The air is blue ,and he said he hasn't had a good swear like that since he came out of the steel works. I think he is feeling better now! He made me blush!

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