
By SLPlearning

This Land is Your Land...

....this land is my land.

I saw this picture and it made me think of this song. Quite contentious in its day and probably still is in some areas. I read this critique of it earlier this year and its resonance with our plight in the modern world struck me, albeit we're not living in America.

What is amazing about that song is that in reality it is a protest song. It was written in reaction to the great depression when folks were unable to find work and were going hungry. The song writer (Woodie Guthrie) starts off by painting a pleasant picture about the United States of America as the "land of opportunity" but towards the end he starts to address real social issues. He points out that he sees his fellow citizens standing in welfare lines and then asks, is this land really ours?

He seems to be asking whether the government really cares about its citizens. He is also addressing the issue of ownership by noting that common folks are dealing with hunger while the land is so fruitful/rich. Thus begging the question, is this land really ours? It seems like a simple song but it is very deep and it offers critical commentary on capitalism, land ownership, and the way our society is set up.

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