If You Could See Me Now



For me, everyday is Valentines Day. You don't need a commerical holiday to remind you to tell someone you love them. If thats the case... Well....

But.. it did give me an excuse to do a heart themed blip.

So... I made heart shaped Baked Alaska's - i'm still in recovery mode. They were MASSIVE!

I took a photo of my favourite heart necklace - one that my friend Annie gave me for Christmas two years ago :)

And the third is my Dad making a heart shape with his hands.

So... Just in case I don't say it enough...


(and i'll love you tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and any day that isn't a commercial materialistic money making scheme)

Most importantly: You should love yourself.

Hope everyone had a fantastic sunday,


Kirsty :) :)

Oh! I got the idea for the heart-shaped Alaska from Katie Sokoler

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