If You Could See Me Now




"You have reached the pinnacle of success as soon as you become uninterested in money, compliments or publicity." - Dr A. O. Battista

I walked out side this morning and noticed the change in the air.

It had been raining so the lawn was dusted with dew, the cloud cover was a mix of a grey and white - bright and the breeze was not cold, but not warm either.

Autumn is nearly here.

I keep complaining about how it's not like summer, but I was forgetting how much I love autumn.

Leaves and scarves, coats and gloves, sun and rain, brown, orange and bare.

I love it :)

Spent the whole day making butterflies out of magazine pages and I still only have about 10!

And then I figured out why I love John Cusack so much... He's the voice of one of the characters in Anastasia :)

Also found this cool blog!!!!!

This is my last week of holidays before I start at CPIT - i'm so nervous!!

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