
By lyndylooloo

New day. New Era...

The day has finally come that Miniman has got his first taste of school. He went to his nursery as usual this morning in his usual clothes but with the addition of 'new school shoes'. He opted not to take any toys with him like he sometimes does because 'I might not be able to take them in my new class later'.

As I walked through the door to fetch him carrying his uniform he almost jumped with joy. We got him changed then he decided he needed to say goodbye to all of his nursery friends so they could see his new uniform. Much whooping ensued from the staff bless them.

He was as excited as I've seen him all dressed & ready for action and as we queued outside in the sunshine his day was made complete as his bezzie mate from nursery (who left at the end of August) appeared and ran with her arms outstretched to meet him.

I was far more emotional than I'd expected. My wonderful hairdresser Antoni had calmed me down brilliantly as he'd cut & glam'd my hair for me this morning but somehow inside I was still a wreck.

Needless to say my little man was quite happy to kiss & say goodbye with no fuss or bother and wasn't fazed one jot!

I'll get him back in less than an hour but he'll be a little schoolboy now. Onwards & Upwards!!! I love him so much -x-x-x-

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