Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

daily life..............

Really busy day - schools opened so I spent the early morning at one of our centres making sure all was going okay! Some parents came with two children all ready for nursery only to be told we had no places left and they became very angry and started shouting - what a scene! It happens all the time here even though we have long waiting lists for places in this particular centre!

Then it was back to the office for some paperwork and arranging the next few months work. After lunch we took some materials out to some fairly local primary schools (things that were sent to me but really are no use in early childhood) - the primary schools here are woeful with no resources whatsoever so every little helps!

Coming back into town this is the scene that I see daily - its just people going about their business - I liked the colour and the life in it!!

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