Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Playing ball

An extra day annual leave today, didn't start out as planned .........

My sister was booked in for an operation so promised I would get her to the hospital for 7:30am, arranged to pick her up at 7am leaving plenty of time to get there (only local).

The problem - I thought he had set the alarm and he thought I had set the alarm!!!!! Woke up at 7:15am! Oops - managed to get her there for 7:50, not bad going and I didn't speed.

Operation went well, she's spending one night in (planned) so picking up tomorrow some time - won't be late for that!

Very relaxing day finished with a lovely evening with my lace friends - our last one in each other's houses, back to classes next week.

This is Lili bringing back her beloved ball (she's a bit like the dog in the film "Up" but instead of squirrel it's ball for her)


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