
By dwalletta


Freshers' week began today at the university, and fresh faced and innocent looking they were too. I lasted long enough to make sure nobody had nicked my desk during the summer, check that the code for the photocopier was the same as last year, and sweet talk the man in charge of car parking into giving me a permit for a better parking space than I'm entitled to.

I escaped to the Modern Art Gallery. This installation is a reconstruction of a student flat from the eighties, and comes complete with its own script, as if for a play. Visitors are encouraged to 'engage' with it, which I think means sit on the sofa. Being Edinburgh, folk are always reticent, but I encouraged this chap to sit down and let me take his picture. I thought he looked quite at home.

The link includes a video of the artist explaining the idea behind it, but I confess to being none the wiser.


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