Shabby Chic

Shabby chic seems to be popular round the student area.
When I first noticed this restaurant under renovation I thought the walls were being stripped in preparation for painting, but it seems this is to be the final look.
Actually, against all the odds, I rather like it as a background to the black iron tables and chairs with the baskets of colourful flowers on the wall.

My book group last night could hardly wait to finish discussing the book- Garden of the Evening Mists by Tan Twan Eng- before wading into a discussion of the Referendum as we did justice to a raspberry meringue roulade.

All was sweetness and bonhomie as we ladies of a vintage rather too close in comfort to Mary Berry, she of the recipe's origin, brandished our forks daintily in apparent agreement on how we were going to vote, until one of our number broke ranks and became overheated in trying to put the other point of view.
There then followed a 'lively' discussion, although there was one member who remained strangely quiet...... a quisling perhaps.

We were all in agreement though that a 50% split between the Ayes and the Naws was not a good outcome for any referendum.

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