Market House, Princes Risborough

What a day...

Promised to meet Mum at 1100 outside the Library - she turned up at a quarter past. She gets in the car & says I need a cup of tea ! Having called in at the museum for my tickets we travelled on towards Risborough but had to stop at a Garden centre for Tea & Cake. We arrived at Wainwright's Shoes in Risborough & she bought what she wanted after much umming and ahh-ing. Then to Tesco's for a loaf & some cheese & then home for lunch....which was lovely. I dropped her back down the town at 1500 phew ! Mothers eh ?

I had foolishly agreed to take her to the shoe shop as she was having trouble finding shoes for the wedding - so mission accomplished.....its just me to sort out. I need a new suit but I keep putting it off. C has just returned from N's & I am now going to the chiropodist for a trim up & rub down. Have just rung Brian again re the fence & also someone about my Edlesborough Church visit later in the week.

By the way Market House was built I think in 1824 and is Grade II listed. It is the main focus of the town & houses the war memorial. It was originally timber framed but was altered later by a chap called John Grubb.

Lovely fine day.

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