Poorly feet
..... not mine, but my sister (both bunions removed and a hammer toe dealt with)!
Dentist this morning, just a check up but he suggests a crown us replaced (it is an old one and has never fitted properly and I have never been happy with it - he didn't put it in) and informed me that this would be around £400. I've made an appointment for November to save up!
But if shopping before home and a bit of baking - raspberry roulade (weight watchers) which is basically a fatless sponge, but uses quark. Quite tasty, with fresh raspberries.
Telephone conversation with pa-in-laws solicitors regarding his move - long story short, solicitor used was not very efficient, he has now left. The ground and service charge payments are now required, however, because things weren't finished off with the solicitors, the property is not registered (for the charges) and unable to progress further. Payment has been requested to the previous tenant, which has caused some distress as she has passed away and sensitive situation. Another under-study at the solicitors had been dealing with it but she has now left! Hopefully the solicitor will progress this time, I will call later in the week if no progress!
Collected my sister from hospital and settled her at home - she's got to go bavk tomorrow as it has started bleeding again!!!!
On another note, back to work tomorrow ........ not getting that yippee feeling.....
Hump day tomorrow
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